Can Buyers and Sellers Take Advantage of Our Current Market?

According to the latest numbers, it’s a great time to buy or sell in the Outer Banks market.

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Where does our Outer Banks market stand as we near the end of spring?

In short, things are still moving briskly—the number of vacationers moving to our area is rising every day, which makes it an opportune time to buy or sell. 

How do the numbers from last April compare to the numbers from April 2018?

First off, inventory is up 11% in unit sales—for residential sales, it’s up 9%. Lot sales, meanwhile, are up 3%, and the median sales price also increased slightly.
The number of vacationers moving to our area is rising every day, which makes it an opportune time to buy or sell.
In Hatteras Island and the southern beaches of the Outer Banks, the number of sales rose 10%, and the median sales price rose from $305,000 to $342,000. This is evidence of a stronger market, and we’re gaining some appreciation we lost during the economic downturn of 2007 to 2014. 

If you’d like to know more about our market or you’re thinking of buying or selling soon, don’t hesitate to give me a call or email me. I’d love to help you.