The Goals of the Outer Banks Association of Realtors

As President of the Outer Banks Association of Realtors for 2017, I want to bring positive changes to our industry. Here’s how I’m doing it.

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If you’ve seen the news lately, you know that we are currently under mandatory evacuation for lack of power. Luckily, I’m sitting in a nice, air-conditioned office due to a reliable generator from the 1970s. A few questions came up in reference to my last post, so I thought I’d answer a few of them.

The most common question I’ve been getting is, “What’s your position with the Outer Banks Association of Realtors?” In case you haven’t heard yet, I have been fortunate enough to be elected President of the Outer Banks Association of Realtors. I’m thrilled and honored to serve the 950 members we have. 

The other common question I’ve been asked is, “What are you fighting for on behalf of all Realtors?” The answer to this is three-pronged, because I’m fighting on your behalf locally, at the state level, and nationally. 

Locally, our big battle is to get a final ruling on septic rule interpretations. There’s a bit of a disconnect here and we want to close the gap. We are introducing legislation right now to get this resolved quickly.

At the state level, the battle is a little bit more intense, but it’s one worth fighting for. We were in Raleigh about a month ago fighting for your private property rights on numerous fronts. There are some tax discrepancies in the transaction that we need to get shored up.

On a national level, we are fighting for the secondary mortgage market. We need it to keep rates realistic and reasonable. The biggest concern we have though is the National Flood Policy that expires in September that we need to resolve.

The National Flood Policy needs fixing.

No matter what state you live in, you should call your local representative on this issue. The flood insurance system needs a repair. The last time it got renewed, 40,000 properties didn’t close. We don’t want that to happen again.

If you have any other questions for us, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.